UNGA Adopts AI: Rejects US-Led Global Resolution

UNGA Adopts AI: Rejects US-Led Global Resolution

The UNGA just adopted a draft resolution on A.I. that the U.S. spearheaded.
The U.N. believes that protecting human rights online is essential.
The goal of the resolution is further highlighted by Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the U.S. ambassador and permanent representative to the U.N.
The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) adopted a worldwide accord on A.I., demonstrating efforts to bring about this newly developing technology’s seamless and secure working. This is another noteworthy development in the field of artificial intelligence. In line with the evolving global tech scene, as artificial intelligence keeps expanding the capabilities of organizations, this crucial action by the U.N.’s main policy-making body garnered much attention right away.

Without a vote, a draft resolution sponsored by the United States and supported by more than 120 other Member States emphasized the need to uphold, defend, and advance human rights in artificial intelligence’s design, development, application, and use. As previously indicated, AI-related breakthroughs continue to stand out as society rapidly approaches a future heavily controlled by technology. These developments are especially remarkable.

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U.N. Focuses On Protecting Human Rights Both Online And Offline

A UN report states that the Assembly called on all parties involved, including Member States, “to refrain from or cease the use of artificial intelligence systems that pose undue risks to the enjoyment of human rights or that are impossible to operate in compliance with international human rights law.” The Assembly responded by saying that it is still essential to defend people’s online and offline rights.

This measure applies to all generations of artificial intelligence, not simply existing ones. Meanwhile, the Assembly pushed for creating and supporting safe and trustworthy A.I. rules, calling on all member states, businesses, civil society, research institutions, and the media to do the same.


Linda Thomas-Greenfield Talks About the Proposed Resolution

Remarkably, U.S. Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield was the one who first brought attention to the resolution draft spearheaded by the United States. She has expressed hope for the resolution’s cooperative and fruitful discussion, allowing it to serve as a model for recognizing significant issues arising with A.I. in other industries.

In addition, the U.S. Ambassador emphasized that rather than allowing technology to take over humankind, international communities are responsible for supervising this newly developed technology. She said, “Let us commit to utilizing this technology to advance shared priorities around sustainable development and to closing the digital gap within and between nations.”

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