OpenAI, Mistral, Google: New AI Models Unveiled

OpenAI, Mistral, Google: New AI Models Unveiled

The competition in AI has only gotten stronger.
GPT-4 Turbo has a new version available from OpenAI.
Additionally, new updates were released by Mistral and Google.
The AI ecosystem is experiencing increased competition as OpenAI, Mistral, and Google are vying for new application models.

OpenAI’s Updated AI Models Are Now Available for Purchase

Google, the French AI startup Mistral, and Sam Altman’s OpenAI all released updated versions of their AI models within twelve hours.

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This occurs as the sector prepares to release OpenAI’s GPT engine’s next major version. Following Facebook’s president of global affairs Nick Clegg’s hint that an updated version of Llama, Meta’s AI model, was on the horizon, a wave of releases began.

Remarkably, Clegg discussed the release of the third iteration of Llama at a London event. Google unveiled Gemini Pro 1.5, a model that has been developing for the past few months, a few hours later. Notably, Google released Gemini 1.5, a major update from Google 1.0 Ultra, before the Pro version. This version was promoted as having the ability to help users accomplish many tasks with less processing power.

Gemini Pro 1.5 is currently accessible to the general public. However, the free tier can only handle 50 requests per day. Shortly after its release, OpenAI unveiled the GPT-4 Turbo final version, which is its frontier model.

This is a significant turning point for the leading AI company, which had previously stated that the GPT-4 version, released in mid-March, is the most advanced version of the Large Language Model (LLM).

Given that Gemini Pro 1.5 and GPT-4 Turbo are multimodal systems, text, audio, and video can all be supported.

Issues Concerned About Mistral’s Launch Strategy

Mistral finally released Mixtral 8x22B, their frontier model. The release from Mistral was different from the ones from its American counterparts, who publish their tools as open source. A straightforward download link for a 281GB file was used to launch Mixtral 8x22B. Many organizations have criticized this strategy because they believe it to be risky.

In light of this, it is thought that the developer will be powerless to step in and prevent the misuse of its systems.

In the meantime, businesses such as Intel and Goldman Sachs are starting to look for more sophisticated AI models that can rival the current models from NVIDIA and even OpenAI.

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