Frax Finance Unveils $100B TVL & Layer 3 Roadmap

Frax Finance Unveils $100B TVL & Layer 3 Roadmap

Frax Finance has unveiled an ambitious roadmap to reach a TVL of $100 billion by 2026. 

Fraxtal aims to release 23 layer 3 protocols in the coming year, introducing exciting new assets such as frxNEAR and frxTIA. 

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The proposal involves activating the protocol fee switch and implementing new tokenomics to strengthen the stability of the Frax ecosystem and enhance yields. 

Frax Finance has announced an ambitious plan to significantly increase the Total Value Locked (TVL) to an impressive $100 billion by 2026. This strategic roadmap signifies a major achievement in developing the decentralized finance (DeFi) sector, showcasing Frax Finance’s dedication to innovation and expansion. Currently, the TVL in Fraxtal, the layer 2 blockchain of the Frax protocol, is $13.2 million. This state provides a solid base for Frax Finance to grow and expand, utilizing its distinct abilities to achieve its ambitious vision for the future. 

Fraxtal’s roadmap for fractal scaling and layer 3 expansion 

With ambitious growth plans, Fraxtal is preparing to introduce an impressive lineup of 23 layers 3 protocols quickly. Transitioning into an ambitious phase, this endeavor aims to foster growth, enhance ecosystem capabilities, and usher in innovation. Fraxtal advances layer 3 protocols, providing decentralized applications adaptable networks.

In addition to this expansion, the Fraxtal platform will introduce new assets such as frxNEAR, frxTIA, and frxMETIS. Fraxtal’s expansion strategy showcases commitment, offering a broader ecosystem with options, meeting evolving needs of users and developers. Transitioning, it pushes DeFi’s limits, creating value.

Proposal for Enhancing Protocol Fee Switch and Tokenomics 

Activating the protocol fee switch aims to distribute 50% of the yield to veFXS, the Frax ecosystem’s governance token. Using the remaining 50%, the platform will acquire FXS and other Frax assets. This strategic move bolsters liquidity and fortifies ecosystem stability, incentivizing active participant engagement.

Implementing new tokenomics will fully collateralize FRAX, boosting yields on staked sFRAX, maximizing their benefits. Consequently, users gain increased usefulness and value. Frax Finance is actively implementing strategic initiatives to solidify its position as a frontrunner in DeFi. The company focuses on fostering innovation and generating value for its community and beyond.

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