EigenLayer Protocol Launches on Ethereum Mainnet

EigenLayer Protocol Launches on Ethereum Mainnet

EigenLayer and EigenDA, two new restaking protocols, are released on the Ethereum mainnet.
EigenDA joins the data storage industry as the first AVS to appear.
Restakers can now assign their whole stake to a selected Operator using EigenLayer.
EigenLayer, an Ethereum-based restaking technology dominating Ethereum‘s DeFi sector, has lately made headlines due to its total value frozen at an astounding $12.4 billion. In the most recent developments, EigenLayer announced its activation on the Ethereum mainnet on Tuesday, April 9.

EigenLayer Prepares for Ethereum Mainnet Launch

The most recent release states that Ethereum’s restocking protocols, EigenLayer and EigenDA, have been formally implemented on the Ethereum mainnet. EigenDA is the first AVS (Autonomous Vault System) to be launched, competing with Celestia and other platforms to provide data storage services.

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The most recent features include:

  • It is now possible for Restakers to assign their whole stake to a certain Operator.
  • Operators have the option to join EigenLayer and run AVSs formally.
  • AVSs, starting with EigenDA (presently in beta testing), can register with the protocol.

In the past, restaking in EigenLayer required setting up an EigenPod for validator withdrawal credentials or depositing LSTs. Due to the recent introduction of operators and an AVS (EigenDA), active restaking now requires assigning to one of the top 200 operators running AVSs.

Further Information for the Restakers

EigenLayer stated in a blog post that to return to an AVS such as EigenDA. Participants must assign their whole stake to an operator who has opted to participate in that particular AVS. The stake allotted to an operator covers all of the AVSs they participate in should they opt into numerous of them. The EigenLayer protocol does not guarantee that any operator is suitable to run AVS software, even though delegation is non-custodial, meaning operators do not keep the stake.

EigenLayer does not present a short-term security concern while operators integrate into the ecosystem and strengthen their protocols. But operators who don’t use AVSs correctly will eventually be subject to harsh fines.

The LRT DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) will handle delegation maintenance if people re-register in EigenLayer through an LRT (Liquidity Transformation Request). Every LRT functions autonomously and varies in their preparedness to manage delegations of restakers. Please take note that Eigen Labs is not associated with these LRTs. People should contact each LRT directly to learn about their restaker delegation policies.

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