Cardano Founder Defends Hydra Development

Cardano Founder Defends Hydra Development

Charles Hoskinson, the founder of Cardano, dispelled rumors about Hydra development.
According to Charles Hoskinson, new Hydra research papers will soon be available online.
The creator of ADA made references to more protocol-related improvements.
Charles Hoskinson refutes rumors of Cardano Hydra abandonment, labeling detractors’ accusations as FUD, fear, uncertainty, and doubt.

Charles Hoskinson, founder of Cardano, denies allegations that ADA Hydra has been shelved, asserting they seem false.

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More Upgrades Are Coming to Cardano Hydra

Hoskinson had observed in videos that the network had abandoned the scaling mechanism for Cardano Hydra.

But he clarified that it was just FUD because Cardano’s crew is now more “productive and motivated” than it was a while ago. Continuing, the head of crypto emphasized the significant community involvement in the ADA ecosystem and announced upcoming releases of new papers for protocol enhancement within the next few weeks.

False information about Cardano Hydra has been circulating for a while, and Hoskinson has stepped out to defend the protocol each time. There were some misunderstandings in October of last year over the capabilities of Cardano Hydra. Rumors were circulating after Hydra went up on the main net in May that it could not process transactions quickly enough.

Hoskinson responded by showcasing Cardano’s throughput capacity with a TPS chart that displayed roughly 1,000 TPS. He said that because Hydra’s goal has gradually changed, the statistics must adequately capture Cardano’s potential.

Hydra’s Version 0.12.0 Upgrade

Cardano Hydra’s original goal was to increase the network’s scalability through a novel transaction processing mechanism. The Cardano Hydra development team has steadily added several updates over time to enhance the protocol and guarantee the seamless delivery of its features.

The Cardano Hydra team revised the protocol definition soon after it was first introduced on the mainnet to conform to current modifications to off-chain protocols. Additionally, GHC 9.2.7 was upgraded, which resulted in faster compilation times and somewhat smaller Plutus scripts.

A significant update to the scaling tool was version 0.12.0, which maintained compatibility with both the Input Output Global (IOG) Mithril protocol and Cardano Node version 8.1.2. Currently working on version 0.15.0, the Hydra team has made significant progress thus far based on Hoskinson’s tips.

The group has also dealt with problems with workflows for website publishing and smoke tests. These updates indicate that ADA has not abandoned Hydra yet and is not planning to do so anytime soon.

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