GME vs Dogecoin: Which Meme Coin Will Hit $1 First in 2024?

GME vs Dogecoin: Which Meme Coin Will Hit $1 First in 2024?

Gamestop (GME), one of thousands of cryptocurrencies, has emerged and is fighting hard to outcompete the competition. With its 3094% growth, it has also put top meme coins like Dogecoin, Shiba Inu, and others under pressure. The fact that it is on the second-biggest peak and suggests many more are more significant. How high can it go, then? Up to one dollar? More importantly, is it able to finish ahead of Dogecoin in that race? Let’s talk about that.

GME Cost Evaluation

Another popular cryptocurrency that has raised interest in Solana meme currencies is Gamestop. After rising 258% in the previous day, it is currently trading at $0.01487, giving it a market value of $98,639,707. GME is soaring again after a brief dip that followed its prior rally on May 15, when it reached an all-time high of $0.0219. Only 32% separates the ATH target from its present value. Furthermore, given the continuous bullish sentiment, the price of GME may reach the ATH goal due to rising market demand. The 24-hour trade volume has gained 1221% and is now booming at $249,152,739.

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Analysis of Dogecoin Prices

Dogecoin is steady at about the $0.16 monthly average, but Gamestop is rising. Because of its years of dominance in the market, dog-based meme currency is in the most demand among all meme coins. In addition, it has garnered support from prominent figures in the community, such as Elon Musk, whose business, Tesla, takes DOGE as payment. However, it is still far from its greatest performance. With a 21% boost in value over May, Dogecoin is currently trading at $0.1616 as of this writing. The month prior was fairly gloomy. Its trading volume is also increasing; it recently had a 51% increase to $756,784,435 in value.

Which Memecoin, GME or DOGE, Will Reach $1 First?

Unlike Gamestop, Dogecoin has been in the cryptocurrency market for years, allowing its investors to comprehend its pricing patterns and growth possibilities better. Since GME has only been on the market for a few months, it isn’t easy to forecast where it will go. Furthermore, Dogecoin has already surpassed its goal of $0.7376, which is nearer $1. The pricing of Dogecoin is currently more comparable to that of GME.

Not to mention the ATH, Dogecoin’s price is unchanged from its recent average and has been quite stable. However, Gamestop has made significant progress in the last few months and is still growing, which increases the likelihood that the meme currency will reach $1.

To sum up, GME and Dogecoin can potentially turn a profit and reach the $1 mark. But GME is more likely than Dogecoin to get there first.

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